

type FnPtr = proc () {.nimcall.}

Function pointer, used for interrupt handlers etc.


type List[N: static[int], T] = object

A list with a max capacity.



A List is an array-like container with a length field. Adding new items will increase the length, but it cannot grow beyond its maximum capacity.

Lists have predictable performance, as they can be allocated statically, unlike Nim’s built-in seq which is heap-allocated and can grow indefinitely.


When compiling with --boundChecks:on the game will panic when the list grows too big or an out-of-bounds access occurs. To debug this situation, see using a debugger.


proc `[]`[N, T](list: var List[N,T], i: int): var T

Get the element at the given index (mutable version).

proc `[]=`[N, T](list: var List[N,T], i: int, val: T)

Set the element at the given index to a certain value.

template cap[N, T](list: List[N,T]): int

The maximum capacity of the list.

proc add[N, T](list: var List[N,T], item: sink T)

Add an item to the end of the list.

proc del[N, T](list: var List[N,T], i: int)

Remove an element by index, putting the last element in its place.

proc delete[N, T](list: var List[N,T], i: int)

Remove an element by index, shifting all other elements down.

proc insert[N, T](list: var List[N,T], item: sink T, i = 0.Natural)

Insert an item into the list at the given index, shifting later elements along to make space.

proc clear[N, T](list: var List[N,T])

Empty the list.

proc isFull[N, T](list: List[N,T]): bool

Returns true if the list is at its maximum capacity.

proc contains[N, T](list: List[N,T], val: T): bool

Check whether a value exists in the list.

This can also be invoked using the in or notin keywords.


var nums: List[10, int]

# ...

if 123 in nums:
  printf("123 is in the list.")

Unsafe procs

These may be useful for optimisation, but they come with caveats which make them unsafe.

proc qcreate[N, T](list: var List[N,T]): ptr T

Increase the length of the list and return a pointer to the new element.

The new element is uninitialised, so be sure to completely reset it.

proc qdel[N, T](list: var List[N,T], i: int)

Remove an element by index, quicker version.

The last element won’t be deinitialised, so only do this if you know there’ll be no resource leakage.

proc qclear[N, T](list: var List[N,T])

Empty the list, quicker version.

Elements won’t be deinitialised, so only do this if you know there’ll be no resource leakage.


iterator items[N, T](list: List[N,T]): lent T

Loop over each element in the list.

iterator mitems[N, T](list: var List[N,T]): var T
iterator pairs[N, T](list: List[N,T]): tuple[key: int, val: lent T]

Loop over each element in the list along with its index.

iterator mpairs[N, T](list: var List[N,T]): tuple[key: int, val: var T]

Memory peek & poke

These are like volatileLoad and volatileStore from the Nim standard library, except they work even at the top level (and have nicer names).

proc peek[T](address: ptr T): T

Read a value directly from some memory location.

proc poke[T](address: ptr T, value: T)

Write a value directly to a memory location.

Memory copy / fill

proc memset16(dst: pointer, hw: uint16, hwcount: SomeInteger)

Fastfill for halfwords, analogous to memset()

Uses memset32() if hwcount > 5


Destination address.


Source halfword (not address).


Number of halfwords to fill.


dst must be halfword aligned.
r0 returns as dst + hwcount*2.
proc memcpy16(dst: pointer, src: pointer, hwcount: SomeInteger)

Copy for halfwords.

Uses memcpy32() if hwcount > 6 and src and dst are aligned equally.


Destination address.


Source address.


Number of halfwords to fill.


dst and src must be halfword aligned.
r0 and r1 return as dst + hwcount*2 and src + hwcount*2.
proc memset32(dst: pointer, wd: uint32, wcount: SomeInteger)

Fast-fill by words, analogous to memset()

Like CpuFastSet(), only without the requirement of 32byte chunks and no awkward store-value-in-memory-first issue.


Destination address.


Fill word (not address).


Number of words to fill.


dst must be word aligned.
r0 returns as dst + wcount*4.
proc memcpy32(dst: pointer, src: pointer, wcount: SomeInteger)

Fast-copy by words.

Like CpuFastFill, only without the requirement of 32byte chunks


Destination address.


Source address.


Number of words.


src and dst must be word aligned.
r0 and r1 return as dst + wcount*4 and src + wcount*4.

Bit packing and duplication

These take a hex-value and duplicate it to all fields, like 0x88 -> 0x88888888.

func dup8(x: uint8): uint16

Duplicate a byte to form a halfword: 0x12 -> 0x1212.

func dup16(x: uint16): uint32

Duplicate a halfword to form a word: 0x1234 -> 0x12341234.

func quad8(x: uint8): uint32

Quadruple a byte to form a word: 0x12 -> 0x12121212.

func octup(x: uint8): uint32

Octuple a nybble to form a word: 0x1 -> 0x11111111

func bytes2hword(b0, b1: uint8): uint16

Pack 2 bytes into a word. Little-endian order.

func bytes2word(b0, b1, b2, b3: uint8): uint32

Pack 4 bytes into a word. Little-endian order.

func hword2word(h0, h1: uint16): uint32

Pack 2 halfwords into a word. Little-endian order.

Math helpers

func isPowerOfTwo(n: SomeInteger): bool

Return true if n is a power of two.

func logPowerOfTwo(n: uint): uint

Given that n is a power of two, return the power.

proc octant(x, y: cint): cuint

Get the octant that (x, y) is in.

This function divides the circle in 8 parts. The angle starts at the y=0 line and then moves in the direction of the x=0 line. On the screen, this would be like starting at the 3 o’clock position and moving clockwise.

proc octantRot(x0, y0: cint): cuint

Get the rotated octant that (x, y) is in.

Like octant() but with a twist. The 0-octant starts 22.5° earlier so that 3 o’clock falls in the middle of octant 0, instead of at its start. This can be useful for 8 directional pointing.

Random numbers

Uses a simple XorShift algorithm, which is adequate for most games.


Any range supplied to these procs should be less than 2^16 (65536).

For example, the following will all give inadequate results:

  • rand(max=999999)

  • rand(fp(-300)..fp(300))

  • rand(Natural)

If this is a problem, you could try rand() mod n instead (but that’s expensive and leads to an uneven distribution of numbers). In the fixed-point case, you could first get a random integer and then convert it to fixed, e.g. rand(-300..300).fp.

proc seed(seed: uint32)

Seed the random number generator.

proc rand(): uint32

Get a random 32-bit value.

proc rand[T: Fixed|SomeInteger](max: T): T

Get a random integer in the range 0..max.


max must be less than 2^16 or fp(256).

proc rand[T: Ordinal](a, b: T): T

Get a random value between a and b inclusive.


a - b must be less than 2^16, to avoid overflow.

proc rand[T: Ordinal](s: Slice[T]): T

Get a random value from a slice.


let n = rand(0..100)
proc rand[T: Ordinal](t: typedesc[T]): T

Get a random value of the given type.

proc pickRandom[T](arr: openArray[T]): T

Get a random item from an array.

proc pickRandom[T](arr: ptr UncheckedArray[T], len: SomeInteger): T

Get a random item from an unchecked array with a given length.

Compile-time helpers

template readBin(path: static string): untyped

Read a binary file at compile-time as an array of bytes.

If assigned to a top-level let variable, this data will be placed in ROM.


let shipPal = readBin("ship.pal.bin")