Bindings for the `Maxmod `_ sound system by Mukunda Johnson. See the maxmod `reference manual `_ for more documentation.
The `audio.nims` file is used to add music and sfx to your project. This runs before your game is compiled, and generates two enums which are available to your game code: `Sample` for sound effects and `Module` for songs.
In this file, the following operations are available:
.. nim:proc:: sample(name: string)
Add a sound effect in `.wav` format, to be converted and added to the soundbank.
.. nim:proc:: module(name: string)
Add a song in `.mod`, `.xm`, `.it` or `.s3m` format, to be converted and added to the soundbank.
Since there are no other parameters to these procedures, you can write an `audio.nims` to convert new files automatically, as shown in the tutorial section below.
1. Configure your `audio.nims` to automatically scan a directory in your project:
.. code-block:: nim
# Add all music and sounds from the audio directory.
for f in listFiles("audio").sorted:
if f.endsWith(".wav"):
sample f
module f
.. note::
The list of files should be sorted, otherwise the files aren't guaranteed to appear in the same order on different machines, so you lose reproducibility of your builds. Ok, tbh there never was any reproducibility but it's nice to pretend. x)
2. Add some music & sounds to the directory::
├── audio.nims
├── audio
│ ├── coin.wav
│ ├── jump.wav
│ ├── shoot.wav
│ ├── spacecat.xm
│ └── subway.xm
├── config.nims
└── game.nim
.. note::
Sounds must be `.wav` files, 8-bit, mono. 16000 Hz sample rate is usually adequate. Music must be `tracker modules `_ in `.mod`, `.xm`, `.it` or `.s3m` formats.
This will cause the following types to be generated:
.. code-block:: nim
Sample = enum
Module = enum
3. Import maxmod, initialise it, and start using the `sfx` and `mod` values in your code:
.. code-block:: nim
import natu/[bios, irq, input, maxmod]
# register maxmod VBlank handler
irq.put(iiVBlank, maxmod.vblank)
# init with 8 channels
maxmod.init(soundbankBin, 8)
# play music
maxmod.start(modSpacecat, mmPlayLoop)
while true:
if keyHit(kiA):
# play sound effect
# mix one frame of audio
.. nim:type:: Sample = enum
Represents an audio sample in ROM, converted from a `.wav` file. Each converted sample will be given an enum value with the "sfx" prefix. For example `bark.wav` will become `sfxBark`.
.. nim:type:: Module = enum
Represents a song in ROM, converted from a `.mod`, `.xm`, `.it` or `.s3m` file. Each converted song will be given an enum value with the "mod" prefix. For example `funky.xm` will become `modFunky`.
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmSoundbankPtr
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmSfxHandle
.. autonim:: maxmod.`==`
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmFnPtr
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmCallback
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmPlaybackMode
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmMixMode
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmSoundEffect
.. autonim:: maxmod.MmGbaSystem
.. nim:let:: soundbankBin: MmSoundbankPtr
Pointer to your game's soundbank data. You should pass this to `maxmod.init`.
These are mostly useful for initialising Maxmod manually with a :xref:`MmGbaSystem` object.
.. container:: group
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen8kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen10kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen13kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen16kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen18kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen21kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen27kHz
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmMixLen31kHz
.. container:: group
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmSizeofModCh
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmSizeofActCh
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmSizeofMixCh
.. autonim:: maxmod.init
.. autonim:: maxmod.init_2
.. autonim:: maxmod.vblank
.. autonim:: maxmod.setVBlankHandler
.. autonim:: maxmod.setEventHandler
.. autonim:: maxmod.frame
.. autonim:: maxmod.start
.. autonim:: maxmod.pause
.. autonim:: maxmod.resume
.. autonim:: maxmod.stop
.. autonim:: maxmod.setPosition
.. autonim:: maxmod.getPosition
.. autonim::
.. autonim:: maxmod.jingle
.. autonim:: maxmod.activeSub
.. autonim:: maxmod.setModuleVolume
.. autonim:: maxmod.setJingleVolume
.. autonim:: maxmod.setModuleTempo
.. autonim:: maxmod.setModulePitch
.. autonim:: maxmod.playModule
.. autonim:: maxmod.effect
.. autonim:: maxmod.effectEx
.. autonim:: maxmod.setVolume
.. autonim:: maxmod.setPanning
.. autonim:: maxmod.setRate
.. autonim:: maxmod.scaleRate
.. autonim:: maxmod.cancel
.. autonim:: maxmod.release
.. autonim::
.. autonim:: maxmod.setEffectsVolume
.. autonim:: maxmod.cancelAllEffects
Playback Events
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmcbSongMessage
.. autonim:: maxmod.mmcbSongFinished