math **** This module provides mathematical utilities, including fixed-point numbers, sin, cos & div lookup tables, 2D vectors and rectangles. Fixed-Point Numbers =================== Fixed-point arithmetic allows you to treat some integer as if it were fractional, which is much faster than using floats on the GBA. The `Fixed` type makes working with *'24.8'* fixed-point values most convenient. These can be created using the `fp` template. For example: .. code-block:: nim let a = fp(1.25) let b = fp(8.5) assert a + b == fp(9.75) .. (maybe I shouldn't actually document this cause it sucks) In Nim 1.6 and later, the `'fp` suffix can also be used: .. code-block:: nim let x = 3.5'fp Working at other precisions can be done with the `FixedN` type, and using a different underlying integer type is supported with `FixedT`. These are created with the `toFixed` template: .. code-block:: nim let k = (1.5).toFixed(int8, 4) # an 8-bit value with 4 bits of precision static: echo typeof(k) # prints "FixedT[int8, 4]" Types ----- .. autonim:: private.types.FixedT .. autonim:: private.types.FixedN .. autonim:: private.types.Fixed Conversion Templates -------------------- .. autonim:: math.fp .. autonim:: math.toFixed .. autonim:: math.toFixed_2 .. autonim:: math.toFixed_3 .. autonim:: math.toInt .. autonim:: math.toFloat32 .. autonim:: math.raw Arithmetic Operators -------------------- The basic operators available to fixed-point numbers are given below. These are implemented as templates to encourage the Nim compiler to evaluate them at compile-time. .. note:: There are operators defined between fixed-point and integer types, so `fp(0.5) * 2` is allowed, and will give a fixed-point result. However, there are no implicit `converters `_ defined, and you can't mix fixed-point types of differing size and precision. To add two fixed-point numbers of different precision together, one must be converted to the other: .. code-block:: nim let a = fp(0.5) # 8 bits precision let b = (0.5).toFixed(10) # 10 bits precision # let sum1 = a + b # Not allowed! let sum2 = a + fp(b) # Ok, both 8 fractional bits let sum3 = a.toFixed(10) + b # Ok, both 10 fractional bits .. container:: group .. autonim:: math.`+` .. autonim:: math.`-` .. autonim:: math.`*` .. autonim:: math.`/` .. autonim:: math.`==` .. autonim:: math.`<` .. autonim:: math.`<=` .. autonim:: math.`+`_2 .. autonim:: math.`-`_2 .. autonim:: math.`+=` .. autonim:: math.`-=` .. autonim:: math.`*=` .. autonim:: math.`/=` .. autonim:: math.`+`_3 .. autonim:: math.`-`_3 .. autonim:: math.`*`_2 .. autonim:: math.`/`_2 .. autonim:: math.`+`_4 .. autonim:: math.`-`_4 .. autonim:: math.`*`_3 .. autonim:: math.`==`_2 .. autonim:: math.`<`_2 .. autonim:: math.`<=`_2 .. autonim:: math.`==`_3 .. autonim:: math.`<`_3 .. autonim:: math.`<=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`+=`_2 .. autonim:: math.`-=`_2 .. autonim:: math.`*=`_2 .. autonim:: math.`/=`_2 .. autonim:: math.`shr` .. autonim:: math.`shl` .. autonim:: math.mul64 .. autonim:: math.div64 .. autonim:: math.abs ----------------------------- General Math Functions ====================== .. autonim:: math.flr .. autonim:: math.ceil .. nim:proc:: sgn[T: SomeNumber](x: T): int {.inline.} Get the sign of a number. Returns `-1` when `x` is negative, `1` when `x` is positive, or `0` when `x` is `0`. (This procedure comes from the Nim standard library.) .. autonim:: math.sgn .. autonim:: math.sgn2 .. autonim:: math.approach .. autonim:: math.lerp ----------------------------- Lookup Tables ============= .. autonim:: math.Angle .. autonim:: math.luSin .. autonim:: math.luCos .. autonim:: math.luDiv .. autonim:: math.luLerp ----------------------------- 2D Vectors ========== .. autonim:: math.Vec2i .. autonim:: math.Vec2f .. autonim:: math.vec2i .. autonim:: math.vec2i_2 .. autonim:: math.vec2i_3 .. autonim:: math.vec2f .. autonim:: math.vec2f_2 .. autonim:: math.vec2f_3 .. autonim:: math.`+`_5 .. autonim:: math.`-`_5 .. autonim:: math.`*`_4 .. autonim:: math.`*`_5 .. autonim:: math.`*`_6 .. autonim:: math.`/`_3 .. autonim:: math.`/`_4 .. autonim:: math.`/`_5 .. autonim:: .. autonim:: math.`-`_6 .. autonim:: math.`+=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`-=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`*=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`*=`_4 .. autonim:: math.`/=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`/=`_4 .. autonim:: math.`+`_5 .. autonim:: math.`-`_7 .. autonim:: math.`*`_7 .. autonim:: math.`*`_8 .. autonim:: math.`*`_9 .. autonim:: math.`/`_6 .. autonim:: math.`/`_7 .. autonim:: math.`/`_8 .. autonim:: .. autonim:: math.`-`_8 .. autonim:: math.`+=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`-=`_3 .. autonim:: math.`*=`_5 .. autonim:: math.`/=`_5 .. autonim:: math.`*=`_6 .. autonim:: math.`/=`_6 Vector Conversion ----------------- .. autonim:: math.initBgPoint .. autonim:: math.toBgPoint .. autonim:: math.toBgPoint_2 ----------------------------- Rectangles ========== .. autonim:: math.Rect .. autonim:: math.rectBounds .. autonim:: math.rectAt .. autonim:: math.x .. autonim:: math.y .. autonim:: math.w .. autonim:: math.h .. autonim:: math.width .. autonim:: math.height .. autonim:: math.`x=` .. autonim:: math.`y=` .. autonim:: math.`w=` .. autonim:: math.`h=` .. autonim:: math.`width=` .. autonim:: math.`height=` .. autonim:: math.move .. autonim:: math.move_2 .. autonim:: math.inflate .. autonim:: math.inflate_2 .. autonim:: .. autonim:: math.`center=` .. autonim:: math.topLeft .. autonim:: math.topRight .. autonim:: math.bottomLeft .. autonim:: math.bottomRight