.. :hide-toc: Natu **** .. warning:: These docs are extremely work in progress! (They're getting better though!) Natu is a toolkit for creating Game Boy Advance games in the `Nim `_ programming language. It has the following goals: * *Expose the entirety of the GBA hardware in Nim.* * *Make low-level operations short and readable.* * *Simplify asset conversion (sprite gfx, backgrounds, music and sound).* * *Provide useful building blocks for a variety of games.* .. container:: align-center .. image:: media/goodboy.gif :target: https://goodboygalaxy.com :alt: Goodboy Galaxy .. image:: media/xniq.gif :target: https://exelotl.itch.io/xniq :alt: xniq .. image:: media/arushedhackjob.gif :target: https://pyro-pyro.itch.io/a-rushed-hack-job :alt: A Rushed Hack Job Installation ============ Follow the steps below for your OS. .. .. note:: If you happen to have devkitARM installed globally, then installing the Arm GNU Toolchain is optional (but still recommended). .. tab:: Debian / Ubuntu 1. Install GCC for bare-metal ARM targets .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi 2. Install Nim (1.4 or higher) Via `choosenim `_ (makes it easier to switch between Nim versions) .. code-block:: console $ curl https://nim-lang.org/choosenim/init.sh -sSf | sh Or via apt: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install nim # Requires Debian 11 (Buster), Ubuntu 21 (Hirsute), or higher. 3. Install Natu .. code-block:: console $ nimble install https://git.sr.ht/~exelotl/natu@0.2.0 .. tab:: Arch / Manjaro 1. Install GCC for bare-metal ARM targets .. code-block:: console $ sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-gdb arm-none-eabi-newlib 2. Install Nim Via `choosenim `_ (makes it easier to switch between Nim versions) .. code-block:: console $ curl https://nim-lang.org/choosenim/init.sh -sSf | sh Or via pacman: .. code-block:: console $ sudo pacman -S nim nimble 3. Install Natu .. code-block:: console $ nimble install https://git.sr.ht/~exelotl/natu@0.2.0 .. tab:: Windows 1. Install the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain Due to problems with the latest version, it's best to use the October 2021 release for now: * `installer `_ * `zip archive `_ (add the `bin` directory to your `PATH` environment variable) .. 1. Install the Arm GNU Toolchain Via `scoop `_: .. code-block:: console $ scoop bucket add extras $ scoop install gcc-arm-none-eabi Or `winget `_: .. code-block:: console $ winget install Arm.GnuArmEmbeddedToolchain 2. Install Nim Via `scoop `_: .. code-block:: console $ scoop install nim Or manually: Download the latest release from the `Nim website `__. Unzip to a location of your choice and run ``finish.exe``. .. warning:: Windows Defender and other antivirus software may detect the Nim binaries as a false positive. If you notice ``nimble.exe``, ``nim.exe`` or ``finish.exe`` disappearing from the installation, you should add an exception in your antivirus settings. To do this in Windows Defender, go to: *Start -> Windows Security -> Virus & Threat Protection -> Manage Settings -> Add or Remove Exclusions*. 3. Install Natu .. code-block:: console $ nimble install https://git.sr.ht/~exelotl/natu@0.2.0 .. tab:: macOS 1. Install the Arm GNU Toolchain Via `Homebrew `_: .. code-block:: console $ brew tap ArmMbed/homebrew-formulae $ brew install arm-none-eabi-gcc Or `MacPorts `_: .. code-block:: console $ sudo port install arm-none-eabi-gcc 2. Install Nim Via `choosenim `_ (makes it easier to switch between Nim versions) .. code-block:: console $ curl https://nim-lang.org/choosenim/init.sh -sSf | sh Or via Homebrew: .. code-block:: console $ brew install nim Or MacPorts: .. code-block:: console $ sudo port install nim 3. Install Natu .. code-block:: console $ nimble install https://git.sr.ht/~exelotl/natu@0.2.0 .. tab:: Other These instructions should work for pretty much any OS: .. 1. Install the Arm GNU Toolchain .. Grab the `latest release `__, .. unzip and add it to your ``PATH``. 1. Install the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain Grab the `October 2021 release `__, unzip and add it to your ``PATH``. 2. Install Nim Get the latest release from the `Nim website `__, unzip the folder. On Windows, you can run ``finish.exe`` to take care of the rest, otherwise: * Unzip and add the ``bin`` folder to your ``PATH``. * Ensure you have a standard C compiler for your platform, which Nim will use to compile the tools that come with Natu. 3. Install Natu .. code-block:: console $ nimble install https://git.sr.ht/~exelotl/natu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples ======== Some simple examples can be found at https://git.sr.ht/~exelotl/natu-examples Current status ============== **In good shape:** * Asset conversion for sprites, backgrounds, music and sounds. * Video hardware * Keypad input * BIOS routines * Timers * Interrupt manager * Waitstate configuration * DMA * Tonc Surface wrapper (draw to tiles like a canvas) * Tonc Text Engine wrapper * Maxmod Sound System wrapper * Posprintf wrapper for efficient string formatting * Sin/Cos/Div LUTs + other math functions * Fixed-point numbers, 2D vector types **Needs improvement:** * Logging interface (only mGBA supported currently) **Needs major work**: * Low-level ``sound`` module (not yet published) * Serial IO (only the registers are exposed in the ``legacy`` module) Contributing ============ The source code for `Natu `_ and `this website `_ are both hosted on Sourcehut, where contribution is done with patches via mailing list. This workflow absolutely *sucks*, but there is a `tutorial `__ if you want to try it. Alternatively, here's a much easier way to contribute (basic git knowledge required): 1. Create a bundle with all changes up to your latest commit. For example, if you branched off `devel` and worked on branch `foo`, you can simply run `git bundle create MyBundle devel..foo` 2. Send the bundle file to me (by email, Discord, or however you like). 3. I'll review it and merge the changes, or give feedback. Thanks ====== * Text engine and many foundations from `Tonc `_ + libtonc by **Jasper Vijn** * Interrupt manager from `libugba `_ by **Antonio Niño Díaz** * Malloc/free from `ACSL `_ by **Pedro Gimeno Fortea**. * String formatting from `posprintf `_ by **Dan Posluns**. * Audio playback from `Maxmod `_ by **Mukunda Johnson**. * Image converter depends on `NimPNG `_ by **Andri Lim**. * `Nim `_ programming language by **Andreas Rumpf** et al. * `mGBA `_ emulator by **Vicki Pfau** * Natu Logo by **Rik Nicol** based on pixel art by **Dania Rifki**. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 Source Code Issue Tracker Mailing List Discord IRC .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Tutorial Project setup The basics FAQ .. Sprites .. Backgrounds .. Music & sound .. Adding custom tools .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API Docs video